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Random Book Selection
- Marx, Engels On Britain authored by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
- Life In Shakespeare’s England authored by John Dover Wilson.
- The Meaning And Purpose Of Art authored by Arthur Rowland Howell.
- Texts from the Buddhist Canon, Dhammapada authored by Samuel Beal.
- The Ninth Volume, of the Works of the Rev. John Fletcher authored by John William Fletcher.
- Traditions of Lancashire
- Manual of Indian Buddhism authored by Johan Hendrik Caspar Kern.
- Yorkshire, Past and Present
- The Elephant Man and Other Reminiscences authored by Frederick Treves.
- Memoirs of Count Grammont
- ソフィア・ローレン (Sophia Loren) 華麗なる大輪のひまわり edited by Arihiro Hazumi.
- The Story of the Heavens authored by Robert Stawell Ball.
- The Vicar Of Wakefield authored by Oliver Goldsmith.
- A Journey Across South America, Vol. I authored by Paul Marcoy.
- The Art and Craft of Letters authored by John Palmer and three other persons.
- Memoirs of The Life of Sir Walter Scott, Bart. authored by John Gibson Lockhart.
- War and Peace – Volume II authored by Leo Tolstoy.
- シネアルバム (Cine Album)
- The Evolution Of Ethics authored by Elias Hershey Sneath.
- Man’s Place in The Universe authored by Alfred Russel Wallace.
- Nieuw volledig Engelsch-Nederlandsch en Nederlandsch-Engelsch Woordenboek
- The Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God authored by George Bernard Shaw.
- Rythmes et couleurs
- Goethe und sein Faust authored by Hermann Türck.
- ジャン=ポール・ベルモンド (Jean Paul Belmondo) 冒険とロマンに生きる男 edited by Kazuo Kajiwara.